Interviewing Reimagined

Turn candidate interviews into concrete data with actionable insights from every conversation. No note-taking required!

Resume Intelligence

AI Hiring Copilot

360 Candidate Evaluations

Job Description Generation

Interview Copilot

Team Collaboration

Resume Intelligence

AI Hiring Copilot

360 Candidate Evaluations

Job Description Generation

Interview Copilot

Team Collaboration

Job Workspace


Hire smarter. Not harder.

Say goodbye to endless hours of manually sifting through resumes. Say hello to confidently finding perfect-fit candidates tailored to your unique hiring needs. AI-powered resume insights give you time back to focus on what really matters: boosting your hiring game.

Intelligent Hiring
Intelligence Score
Intelligence Score


Make hiring a team sport.

Make hiring a team sport.
Make hiring a team sport.
Make hiring a team sport.

Get valuable input from your team about the pros and cons of potential candidates in a flash. You can keep everyone on the same page and collaborate together in real time. Because coaches alone don't win championships. Teams do.


Make hiring less
art, more science.

Hiring based on a "gut feeling" isn't enough. Reduce bias and feel empowered in hiring decisions by blending resume insights with feedback from ALL interview stages. You can access detailed candidate reports for making data-driven hiring decisions at the touch of a button.

Left Button
Right Button


Crush interviews with finesse.
Not frustration.


Behavioral Questions

Tired of ad-libbing your interview questions? Relax and let Aeon structure your interview process. With Interview Copilot, you can sit back and watch as structured interview questions seamlessly align with your job criteria, freeing you from the constant prep grind.

Aeon Hire made our hiring process faster and smarter, and this trait was particularly obvious during the last year. We hired a number of new roles in our company, and thanks to Aeon features, this was an easy and satisfying process.

Testimonial Headshot

Stefano De Angelis

Founder and CEO | De Angelis & Associates

Eliminate hiring anxiety once and for all!

Help your team move faster, be more responsive, and feel less stressed.
Get back valuable time for what matters most.

Break up with your ATS!
Hire Like a Boss.

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